Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

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The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For further explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standard to which Indonesia has committed, please click on DSBB HOME PAGE. The data are not seasonally adjusted, unless otherwise indicated.

Real Sector

SDDS Data Category and Component Footnote Unit Description Date of Latest Observation Data Observations More Info
Latest Data Latest Data - 1
 GDP at current prices Billions of Rp. Q3/24 5,638,885.1 ** 5,536,495.3 ** Data Series
 GDP at constant prices Billions of Rp Q3/24 3,279,593.4 ** 3,230,967.8 ** Data Series
PRODUCTION INDEX (1) 2010=100 September/2024 161.49 * 163.72 * Data Series
Labour Market
Employment (2)
Percentage of labour force Percent August/24 95.09 95.18 Data Series
Number of employed Thousands of person August/24 144,642.00 142,179.05
Unemployment (2)
Percentage of labour force Percent August/24 4.91 4.82 Data Series
Number of unemployed Thousands of person August/24 7,465.60 7,194.86
Wages/Earnings (3)
Main industry
1. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 2,407,712 2,236,045 Data Series
2. Mining and Quarrying Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 5,228,542 4,944,886
3. Manufacturing Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 3,246,220 3,026,413
4. Electricity and Gas Supply Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 4,832,177 4,853,131
5. Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management, and Remediation Activities Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 2,948,558 2,692,899
6. Construction Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 3,293,968 2,945,227
7. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 2,846,680 2,544,248
8. Transportation and Storage Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 3,977,339 3,631,764
9. Accomodation and Services Activities Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industrysssa August/24 2,439,455 2,240,980
10. Information and Communication Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 4,983,257 4,736,936
11. Financial and Insurance Activities Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 5,084,220 5,154,872
12. Real Estate Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 4,297,520 4,313,920
13. Business Activities Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 4,143,964 3,725,742
14. Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 4,155,018 3,670,645
15. Education Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 2,858,783 2,843,321
16. Human Health Services and Social Work Activities Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 3,801,776 3,350,737
17. Other Service Activities Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 1,992,910 1,744,402
Average Rupiah Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Main Industry August/24 3,267,618 3,040,719
Price Indices
Consumer Prices (4) 2022 = 100
Total CPI Index November/24 106.33 106.01 Data Series
Food, Beverages, and Tobacco Index November/24 108.96 108.12
Clothing and Footwear Index November/24 103.27 103.26
Housing,Water, Electricity and Household Fuels Index November/24 102.59 102.55
Furnishings, Houshold Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance Index November/24 103.84 103.81
Health Index November/24 104.27 104.12
Transport Index November/24 109.44 109.33
Communication and Financial Services Index November/24 99.48 99.50
Recreation, Sport and Culture Index November/24 104.17 104.12
Education Services Index November/24 104.87 104.87
Food and Beverages Services/Restaurants Index November/24 106.46 106.28
Personal Care and Other Services Index November/24 112.93 112.20
Producer prices/Wholesale Price Indices (5) 2018 = 100
Total WPI Index November/24 119.32 119.01 Data Series
Agriculture Index November/24 112.69 111.69
Mining and Quarrying Index November/24 125.99 126.25
Manufacturing Index November/24 120.87 120.72
Imports Index (2010 = 100) November/24 - 173.44
Exports Index (2010 = 100) November/24 - 193.39

Fiscal Sector

SDDS Data Category and Component Footnote Unit Description Date of Latest Observation Data Observations More Info
Latest Data Latest Data - 1
Revenue Billions of Rp. 2023 3,132,866.65 ** 2,928,560.55 *
Expenditure Billions of Rp. 2023 3,476,095.81 ** 3,386,283.69 *
Balance, deficit/surplus Billions of Rp. 2023 -343,229.16 ** -457,723.14 *
Financing Billions of Rp. 2023 461,816.11 ** 711,519.35 *
Domestic Billions of Rp. 2023 382,235.79 ** 684,302.10 *
Foreign Billions of Rp. 2023 79,580.32 ** 27,217.25 *
Revenue Billions of Rp. October/24 231,583.7 231,304.9
Expenditure Billions of Rp. October/24 305,081.0 320,938.6
Balance, deficit / surplus Billions of Rp. October/24 -73,497.3 -89,633.7
Financing nett Billions of Rp. October/24 38,334.0 52,722.7
Debt Financing Billions of Rp. October/24 34,073.4 56,409.3
Government Securities Billions of Rp. October/24 25,936.7 58,576.6
Loans Billions of Rp. October/24 8,136.7 -2,167.3
Investment Financing Billions of Rp. October/24 3,555.0 -3,280.5
Lending Billions of Rp. October/24 664.7 -454.2
Contigency Fund Billions of Rp. October/24 0.0 0.0
Other Financing Billions of Rp. October/24 40.8 48.2
Total gross outstanding debt Millions of US$ Q3/24 204,140.4 ** 190,984.9 * Data Series
Foreign debt by type of interest paid
Debt with commercial interest rate Millions of US$ Q3/24 147,829.5 ** 136,622.2 *
Debt with concessionary interest rate Millions of US$ Q3/24 56,310.9 ** 54,362.7 *
ODA debt Millions of US$ Q3/24 54,369.3 ** 52,487.0 *
Non-ODA debt Millions of US$ Q3/24 1,941.6 ** 1,875.7 *
Debt by maturity
Foreign debt Millions of US$ Q3/24 204,140.4 ** 190,984.9 *
Short-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 134.1 ** 14.4 *
Long-term (7) Millions of US$ Q3/24 204,006.3 ** 190,970.5 *
Domestic debt Billions of Rp. Q3/24 4,807,630.80 4,665,523.26 Data Series
Fixed Rate Billions of Rp. Q3/24 3,801,805.03 3,681,537.99
Variable Rate Billions of Rp. Q3/24 865,013.84 845,559.35
Hedge Bond (non-negotiable) Billions of Rp. Q3/24 - -

Financial Sector

SDDS Data Category and Component Footnote Unit Description Date of Latest Observation Data Observations More Info
Latest Data Latest Data - 1
Monetary aggregates
M1 Billions of Rp. October/24 5,022,210 * 4,993,634 Data Series
M2 Billions of Rp. October/24 9,078,623 * 9,044,932
Net foreign assets Billions of Rp. October/24 1,880,146 * 1,852,214
Net claims on central governments Billions of Rp. October/24 786,445 * 787,648
Claims on official entities and state-owned enterprises (8) Billions of Rp. October/24 455,774 * 465,315
Claims on the private sector Billions of Rp. October/24 7,580,817 * 7,521,832
Gross Foreign Assets Billions of Rp. November/22/24 2,506,879 * 2,483,853 * Data Series
Gross Foreign Liabilities (9) Billions of Rp. November/22/24 552,796 ** 521,308 *
Claims on Other Depository Corporation Billions of Rp. November/22/24 56 * 56 *
Net Claims on Central Government Billions of Rp. November/22/24 -391,848 * -386,747 *
Claims on the rest of the domestic Economy Billions of Rp. November/22/24 6,149 * 6,149 *
Monetary Base (10) Billions of Rp. November/22/24 1,788,098 * 1,765,037 *
Policy variable rates
BI 7-day (Reverse) Repo Rate (19) Percent per annum November/24 6.00 6.00 Data Series
3 month time deposit rates Percent per annum (weighted average at the end of the month) October/24 5.53 * 5.52
Working capital lending rates Percent per annum (weighted average at the end of the month) October/24 8.72 * 8.87
Investment lending rates Percent per annum (weighted average at the end of the month) October/24 8.71 * 8.75
Government Securities
Fixed Rate Percent per annum October/24 5.12500-12.00000 5.12500-12.00000 Data Series
Variable Rate Percent per annum October/24 6.04000-6.91827 6.29000-6.91827
Hedge Bond Percent per annum October/24 - -
Financial Soundness Indicators Data Series
STOCK MARKET (11) JSX composite stock price index (JCI). August 14, 1991=100 Data Series

External Sector

SDDS Data Category and Component Footnote Unit Description Date of Latest Observation Data Observations More Info
Latest Data Latest Data - 1
Current Account Millions of US$ Q3/24 -2,150 ** -3,246 * Data Series
Goods, net (Trade Balance) (12) Millions of US$ Q3/24 9,289 ** 10,034 *
Exports, fob Millions of US$ Q3/24 67,158 ** 62,055 *
Imports, fob Millions of US$ Q3/24 -57,868 ** -52,021 *
Services, net Millions of US$ Q3/24 -4,152 ** -5,112 **
Primary Income Millions of US$ Q3/24 -8,864 ** -9,636 *
Secondary Income Millions of US$ Q3/24 1,577 ** 1,468 *
Capital Account Millions of US$ Q3/24 10 ** 4 *
Financial Account (13) Millions of US$ Q3/24 6,571 ** 2,959 *
Direct Investment Millions of US$ Q3/24 5,236 ** 2,144 *
Assets Millions of US$ Q3/24 -2,303 ** -2,211 *
Liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 7,539 ** 4,355 *
Portfolio Investment Millions of US$ Q3/24 9,553 ** 3,190 *
Assets, net Millions of US$ Q3/24 -1,247 ** -1,055 *
Liabilities, net Millions of US$ Q3/24 10,800 ** 4,245 *
Financial Derivatives Millions of US$ Q3/24 333 ** 393 *
Other Investment Millions of US$ Q3/24 -8,551 ** -2,768 *
Assets Millions of US$ Q3/24 -8,484 ** -3,138 *
Liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 -67 ** 370 *
Net Errors and Omissions Millions of US$ Q3/24 1,435 ** -273 *
Reserves and related items (14) Millions of US$ Q3/24 -5,867 ** 557 *
Official reserve assets (16) Millions of US$ October/24 151,233.24 149,922.06 Data Series
Foreign currency reserves Millions of US$ October/24 135,067.69 133,947.96
IMF reserve position in the fund Millions of US$ October/24 1,054.27 1,074.38
SDRs Millions of US$ October/24 7,379.07 7,519.87
Gold Millions of US$ October/24 7,029.75 6,698.57
Other reserves assets Millions of US$ October/24 702.46 681.28
Total Exports Millions of US$ October/24 24,413.5 * 22,055.5 Data Series
Export Oil And Gas October/24 1,345.2 1,150.9
Export Non Oil And Gas October/24 23,068.3 20,904.6
Total Imports Millions of US$ October/24 21,938.3 * 18,824.6 Data Series
Import Oil And Gas October/24 3,665.9 2,528.5
Import Non Oil And Gas October/24 18,272.4 16,296.1
Assets Millions of US$ Q2/24 491,485 ** 485,660 * Data Series
Direct Investment Millions of US$ Q2/24 124,602 ** 122,151 *
Portfolio Investment Millions of US$ Q2/24 36,077 ** 35,050 *
Equity Securities Millions of US$ Q2/24 14,869 ** 14,461 *
Debt Securities Millions of US$ Q2/24 21,209 ** 20,590 *
Financial Derivatives Millions of US$ Q2/24 462 ** 392 *
Other Investment Millions of US$ Q2/24 190,166 ** 187,677 *
Reserve Assets Millions of US$ Q2/24 140,177 ** 140,390 *
Liabilities Millions of US$ Q2/24 738,740 ** 739,564 *
Direct Investment Millions of US$ Q2/24 301,609 ** 296,428 *
Portfolio Investment Millions of US$ Q2/24 265,129 ** 270,510 *
Equity Securities Millions of US$ Q2/24 71,455 ** 81,122 *
Debt Securities Millions of US$ Q2/24 193,675 ** 189,388 *
Financial Derivatives Millions of US$ Q2/24 487 ** 315 *
Other Investment Millions of US$ Q2/24 171,515 ** 172,311 *
Net International Investment Position Millions of US$ Q2/24 -247,255 ** -253,904 *
TOTAL GROSS EXTERNAL DEBT Millions of US$ Q3/24 427,778.17 408,135.07 Data Series
General Government Sectors Millions of US$ Q3/24 204,140.40 190,984.90
Short-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 134.10 14.43
Money market instruments Millions of US$ Q3/24 134.10 14.43
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 - -
Trade credits Millions of US$ Q3/24 - -
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 - -
Long-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 204,006.30 190,970.46
Bonds and notes Millions of US$ Q3/24 141,216.78 130,703.65
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 62,789.52 60,266.81
Trade credits Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Monetary Authorities Sectors Millions of US$ Q3/24 27,649.01 21,111.85
Short-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 18,928.67 12,648.82
Money market instruments Millions of US$ Q3/24 16,787.13 11,743.53
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Currency and deposits Millions of US$ Q3/24 2,141.54 905.29
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 - -
Long-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 8,720.34 8,463.04
Bonds and notes Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 - -
Currency and deposits Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 8,720.34 8,463.04
Banks Millions of US$ Q3/24 32,393.78 32,766.54
Short-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 19,287.41 19,415.01
Money market instruments Millions of US$ Q3/24 1,225.82 1,480.09
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 151.00 0.04
Currency and deposits Millions of US$ Q3/24 13,620.49 13,480.33
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 4,290.10 4,454.55
Long-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 13,106.37 13,351.53
Bonds and notes Millions of US$ Q3/24 4,694.81 4,727.30
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 8,411.08 8,623.68
Currency and deposits Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 0.48 0.55
Other Sectors (17) Millions of US$ Q3/24 163,594.98 163,271.78
Short-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 29,068.35 27,573.86
Money market instruments Millions of US$ Q3/24 855.20 827.78
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 14,886.08 14,689.92
Currency and deposits Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Trade credits Millions of US$ Q3/24 11,825.81 10,790.72
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 1,501.26 1,265.44
Long-term Millions of US$ Q3/24 134,526.64 135,697.92
Bonds and notes Millions of US$ Q3/24 44,518.66 45,038.05
Loans Millions of US$ Q3/24 89,379.05 89,777.11
Currency and deposits Millions of US$ Q3/24 0 0
Trade credits Millions of US$ Q3/24 245.67 305.08
Other debt liabilities Millions of US$ Q3/24 383.26 577.68
Direct Investment : Intercompany Lending
Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises Millions of US$ Q3/24 3,496.73 3,486.62
Debt liabilities to direct investor Millions of US$ Q3/24 40,645.85 40,059.51
Spot exchange rates (18) Redisseminated from Reuters Data Series


SDDS Data Category and Component Footnote Unit Description Date of Latest Observation Data Observations More Info
Latest Data Latest Data - 1
POPULATION Thousands of person 2024 281,603.8 278,696.2 Data Series


1/. The periodicity and timeliness of the production index data is brought into observance. Since 2010 figures had used 2010 as numeraire (2010=100).
The release of Production Index data is delayed until further notice due to the postponement of quarterly manufacturing production growth data release and
the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak - BPS (National Statistics Agency).
2/. A flexibility option will be taken for the periodicity and timeliness of employment and unemployment data.
3/. Data Source: National Labour Force Survey (NLFS/SAKERNAS).
4/. Since January 2014, CPI has been based on a consumption pattern obtained from 2012 Cost of Living Survey in 82 cities (2012=100).
5/. Prior to January 2009 WPI data using 2005=100 as a base year, as of October 2013 data using 2010=100 as a base year.
6/. Monthly data for central government operations based on actual observations rather than projections, and showing all the prescribed components.
7/. By the end of the transition period, a footnote will be added to the relevant tables in "Indonesian Financial Statistics" to indicate the maturity of the outstanding foreign debt.
8/. Data for claims on official entities and state enterprises include credit to regional governments and public non financial corporations.
9/. Since September 2009, includes SDR. Additionally, from September 2023 until June 2024, includes "Securities Issued by BI and Held by Non-Residents" which only available at the end of the month. After that period, the data available weekly.
10/. Before Jan 2010 known as Reserve Money, since the implementation of secondary reserve on 24 October 2009, it includes Bank Indonesia Certificate (BI certificate) used to satisfy the secondary reserve. There is an additional base money component in the form of "Securities Issued by BI and Held by Private Sector" since September 2023.
11/. Daily data on the share price index are disseminated on Bank Indonesia Internet website (http://www.bi.go.id), or click on the info button shown on the row for this data category.
12/. In terms of free on board (fob)
13/. Excludes reserves and related items
14/. Negative represents surplus and positive represents deficit
15/. Start from December 2009, IRFCL report consist of section I to section IV as required in IRFCL Template.
16/. Since December 31, 2002, Bank Indonesia's International Reserve (IRFCL) monthly data is based on general ledger. Weekly data using the same method since end of March 2003.
17/. Included Direct Investment : Intercompany lending.
18/. Daily data on the spot exchange rates are disseminated by Bank Indonesia on Reuters (BIXZ and BIXY).
19/. The BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI 7-Day RR Rate) shall be used as the new policy rate, effective from 19th August 2016

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