No. 22/29/DKom
In relation to promulgation of Government Regulation (PP) No.21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions to Accelerate the Containment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No.9 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for the Large-Scale Social Restrictions to Accelerate the Containment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Bank Indonesia, as the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia, fully supports the government’s decision. In accordance with Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Minister of Finance Regulation and the elucidation of point D concerning the Implementation Guidelines for the Large-Scale Social Restrictions, Bank Indonesia, financial institutions, and the banking industry have been granted exemption from workplace closures as they meet the criteria for offices or institutions that provide economic and financial services. By prioritising public health and the human aspect, Bank Indonesia in conjunction with the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK), financial services institutions, payment system service providers and rupiah currency management providers will maintain operating activities in the form of financial and payment services to facilitate economic activity and meet public demand amidst ongoing efforts to contain COVID-19 transmission.
To maintain critical operating activities, Bank Indonesia is adhering to the regulations, strengthening K3 (occupational health, safety and security) measures for BI employees and partners, applying the Work From Home (WFH) initiative and splitting operations between several locations. Furthermore, Bank Indonesia is also coordinating with the National Police and other relevant authorities in terms of the arrangements and access to BI locations for critical personnel.
With regard to this matter, Bank Indonesia has announced that the operating hours for payment system and rupiah currency management services remain unchanged from the previous press release, No. 22/24/DKom concerning Adjustment to the Schedule of Operational Activities and Public Services of BI, Mitigation of COVID-19 Spread, dated 24th March 2020. The affected systems and services include the Bank Indonesia – Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS) system, Bank Indonesia – Scripless Securities Settlement System (BI-SSSS), Bank Indonesia-Electronic Trading Platform (BI-ETP), National Clearing System (SKNBI), cash services, foreign exchange and rupiah monetary operations as well as government financial services.
Bank Indonesia will continue to strengthen coordination and synergy with the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK), Government and other relevant authorities to implement collective prevention and mitigation measures against COVID-19, while ensuring the optimal execution of duties, thus helping to maintain national financial and economic activities.
Jakarta, 8th April 2020
Onny Widjanarko
Executive Director
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