Advance Release Calendar (ARC)
The Advance Release Calendar (AOC) contains general information concerning the public release schedule for data/publications/statistics, informing when Bank Indonesia will release specific data/publications/statistics.
A business entity mobilising funds from the public in deposits and disbursing these funds to the public in credit and/or other forms for improving the living standards of the population
Bank Holding Company
Legal entity established and/or owned by a controlling shareholder for consolidating and exercising direct control over all activities of subsidiary banks
Bank Indonesia Certificate
Short term debt securities issued by Bank Indonesia dominated in Rupiah and used to manage the money supply in the OMO.
Bank Indonesia Certificate
A short-term discounted bearer promissory note in Rupiah issued by Bank Indonesia.
Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBIs)
Rupiah denominated securities issued by BI in exchange for short-term debt, comprising one of the instruments used in Open Market Operations
Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates (SBISs)
Shariacompliant short-term securities issued in the rupiah currency by BI
Bank Indonesia-Real Time Gross Settlement System (BI-RTGS System)
Electronic fund transfer system in Rupiah currency among its members which settle the transaction in a real time basis, as defined in Bank Indonesia regulation concerning the BI-RTGS System.
Basel Capital Accord
The capital measurement system introduced by BCBS in 1988
Basel Core Principles
Effective fulfilment of banking supervision principles