Central Bank Finance 2023

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Welcome to the Central Bank Finance 2023 Seminar!

The International Central Bank Finance (CBF) Seminar is one of Bank Indonesia's initiatives to strengthen cooperation in the field of central bank finance. It has been held five times, in the years 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022. The International CBF Seminar in 2023, titled “Challenges for Central Bank on Sustainability Reporting and Scaling Up Sustainable Investment" will focus on the disclosure of the Sustainability Report and the Concept of Sustainable Investment, including how the central bank could publish high-quality sustainability-related disclosure through sustainability reporting, how sustainable investment may enhance the central bank's financial performance and the challenges for the central banks in the implementation of sustainability reporting and sustainable investment.

What Will Be Discussed?

During the seminar, esteemed experts from central bank and organization will shed light on crucial aspect. Furthermore, the seminar aims to elucidate the potential benefits of sustainable investment in enhancing the central bank's financial performance. Attendees will gain insights into the strategies and mechanisms through which sustainable investment can contribute to long-term economic stability and growth.

​Benefits of Attending CBF 2023

By participating in this seminar, you will gain an understanding of:

  • How central banks can prepare high-quality sustainable reports and disclosures.
  • How sustainable investments can support the financial performance of central banks.
  • The challenges central banks face in implementing sustainable reporting and sustainable investment.
  • The benefits of sustainable investment in enhancing the financial performance of central banks.
  • Strategies and mechanisms for sustainable investments that can contribute to long-term economic stability and growth.​

CBF 2023 Agenda

The agenda for the seminar is extensive, with sessions addressing a broad range of subjects that relate to central bank sustainability reporting and its disclosures and sustainable investment.

  • Session 1: Insight from Standard Setter toward Central Bank Sustainability Reporting
    Speaker: Jonathan Labrey (International Financial Reporting Standard) and Rosita Uli Sinaga (Task Force Comprehensive Corporate Reporting of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants)
    The first session will feature insights from standard setter's perspective shedding light on the importance of disclosure on sustainability reporting.

  • Session 2: Implementation of Sustainability in Central Bank and its Disclosures
    Speaker: Viviane Torinelli (Banco Central do Brasil) and Tim Schmachtel (Deutsche Bundesbank)
    The second session will focus on the implementation and challenges in preparing central bank sustainability reporting and its disclosures.

  • Session 3: Scaling Up Central Bank Sustainable Investment for Central Bank
    Speaker: Stephane Latouche (The Network for Greening the Financial System – NGFS)
    The third session focuses on scaling up central bank sustainable finance through sustainable investment, indicating a broader shift towards environmentally conscious financial practices.
  • Session 4: Insights from Central Banks on Sustainable Investment Implementation
    Speaker: Anna Hyrske (Bank of Finland) and Stephane Latouche (Banque de France)
    This session will close the seminar and give valuable insights on the implementation of sustainable investment strategies within central banking.


The expected participants represent a wide variety of backgrounds, including central banks, international and local organizations, and national academic institutions, providing participants to engage in brilliant interact of thoughts and perspectives. This seminar is entirely free of charge. We strongly encourage those eligible and interested to take part, as their contribution will undoubtedly enrich the discussions.

Should you have any inqueries about this program, please contact us through email at restia_pn@bi.go.id (Restia) or WhatsApp:  +62859 3500 0051​ (Administrator). 

Topics of Previous Years


2016 : SEACEN – BI Joint International Seminar On Central Bank Finance: Issues, Challenges and Impact of Dynamic Global Changes 

2018 : Central Bank Financial Instruments: Challenges, Prospects, and Accountability  

2020 : Coping with the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic to The Sustainability and Accountability of The Central Banks 

2021 : Financial Reporting For Central Bank: Foreign Exchange Transactions 

2022 : Central Bank Budget Transformation Through Efficiency Practices and Challenges To Support Central Bank's Financial Sustainability


Photo Gallery - CBF 2022




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