Pursuant to the Board of Governors’ Meeting (RDG) held on Thursday 29th August 2013, Bank Indonesia will shorten the minimum holding period (MHP) on Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI) from six months to one month. To this end, Bank Indonesia has amended its regulation, Bank Indonesia Circular No. 15/38/DPM dated 10th September 2013 concerning the seventh amendment to Bank Indonesia Circular No. 12/18/DPM, dated 7th July 2010 regarding open market operations.
The policy of adjusting the MHP on SBI aims to strengthen liquidity management and boost the efficacy of monetary operations as well as deepen the financial markets. The amendment represents part of the measures introduced to reinforce Bank Indonesia’s policy mix in terms of controlling inflation, stabilising the rupiah exchange rate and reducing the current account deficit.
The changes covered in the circular include the following: 1) shortening the minimum holding period on SBI from six months to one month; and 2) transitioning from existing SBI issued prior to the regulatory change, where such SBI held for one month since the RDG decision can be traded on 12th September 2013 and thereafter.