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​Museum Bank Indonesia
1/20/2020 8:00 AM
Hits: 3736

Appreciation Night for The Voice of Millennial in BI's Latest Policy

Jakarta, January 17th, 2020, Bank Indonesia held an awarding night for blog and vlog contest participants in which millennials who have actively participated in disseminating BI's latest policies in the digital payment platform, namely QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard).

Pestanetifest_Museum_2020-2.jpgCarrying the theme "QRIS: Standar Pembayaran Digital Ala Milenial”, (QRIS: Digital Payment Standard on Millenial), this event was the culmination of FESKABI series (Festival Edukasi BI - BI’s Education Festivals) held in distinct regions of Indonesia, such as Lampung, Manado, and Solo which were held from September to November 2019. The enthusiasm of participants in this year’s competition increased significantly from the previous year, there were 1,121 video uploaded for contest this year, where this number is higher than the previous year which reached 452 video.

Awards to the winners were given directly by the Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Ms. Destry Damayanti. She highly appreciated all participants who have been participated and contributed to disseminate of BI’s policies. According to her, the creative industry contributes around 7% to the wheels of Indonesian economy. Through BI NETIFEST, it is hoped that this event can be a platform for millennials to contribute their work and aspirations in creative ways, such as blogs and vlogs.

The peak of the Blog and Vlog awarding contest in the NETIFEST (NETIzen FESTival) 2020 took place at Museum BI, as one of BI’s communication tools in promoting policies to the wider stakeholders. During the event, finalists consisting of 400 millennials from various regions in Indonesia took part in an educational tour to explore Museum BI also to find out the history behind banking and economic development from time to time. One of finalist said: "Museum BI

is really recommended for anyone who wants to know the history of banking development in Indonesia, wrapped in an interesting way that is also easy to understand, very happy to be in Jakarta and visit here".


Halaman ini terakhir diperbarui 12/21/2020 5:53 PM
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