Through Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) No.
10/33/PBI/2008, dated 25th November 2008, Bank Indonesia has
withdrawn the following rupiah banknotes from circulation:
1. Rp10,000 issued in 1998 (Featuring National Hero, Tjut
Njak Dhien);
2. Rp20,000 issued in 1998 (Featuring National Hero, Ki
Hadjar Dewantara;
3. Rp50,000 issued in 1999 (Featuring National Hero, WR
Soepratman); and
4. Rp100,000 issued in 1999 (Featuring Proclamation Heroes,
Dr Ir Soekarno and Dr H. Mohammad Hatta).
The aforementioned banknotes may be exchanged at any
Bank Indonesia Office until 30th December 2018, with a special
exchange service provided on 29th - 30th December 2018.
Bank Indonesia regularly withdraws currency from
circulation based on the circulation period of the currency as well as
issuances of new editions with enhanced security features.