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Monetary Policy Report - Quarter III 2024

20 October 2024
Monetary Policy Report

Indonesia's International Invesment Position Report - Quarter 2/2024​

18 October 2024
Balance of Payments and Indonesia's International Investment Position

Retail Sales Survey - August 2024

17 October 2024
Retail Sales Survey

Consumer Expectation Survey - September 2024

17 October 2024
Consumer Survey

Bank Indonesia Institutional Report 2023

3 October 2024
Annual report

Broad Money Development M2 August 2024

30 September 2024
Development of Money Supply

Monetary Policy Review September 2024

21 September 2024
Monetary Policy Report

Retail Sales Survey - July 2024

19 September 2024
Retail Sales Survey

Consumer Expectation Survey - August 2024

19 September 2024
Consumer Survey

Balance Of Payment - Quarter II 2024

19 September 2024
Balance of Payments and Indonesia's International Investment Position

The Bulletin of Economic and Financial Developments and International Cooperation (PEKKI) is a quarterly publication containing assessments of global economic developments, financial markets, international commodities, international cooperation as well as strategic international issues.​

Annual Report

Seeking to fulfil Bank Indonesia's accountability and transparency obligations in accordance with Article 58 of the Bank Indonesia Act No. 23 of 1999, as amended most recently by Act No. 6 of 2009, Bank Indonesia publishes the Bank Indonesia Annual Report (LTBI) as a form of management accountability for the overall implementation of duties and responsibilities in one reporting year.

The Bank Indonesia Annual Report also serves as an important means of communication with stakeholders, recapitulating detailed information concerning Bank Indonesia's achievements in terms of duties and responsibilities as the monetary, macroprudential, payment system and rupiah currency management authority. Since 2020, Bank Indonesia has published its annual report at the beginning of the year (end of January) simultaneously with the Economic Report on Indonesia (LPI).

Financial Stability Review
The Financial Stability Review (FSR) is Bank Indonesia's foremost publication in terms of financial system stability, containing assessment results and research conducted by Bank Indonesia in the execution of duties as the macroprudential regulatory and supervisory authority.  Each edition presents the latest macrofinancial assessments of the financial system for the current reporting period, while mapping financial system vulnerabilities in Indonesia, the risks faced as well as financial system resilience against the fragilities faced.  In addition, FSR outlines Bank Indonesia's policy response as well as the outlook for financial system stability in the subsequent period.

FSR provides public information concerning financial system stability conditions and raises salient issues as a public reference in the decision-making process, ultimately building common concern regarding financial system stability in Indonesia.

Economic Report on Indonesia (LPI) 
The Economic Report on Indonesia (LPI) has remained Bank Indonesia's flagship publication since Bank Indonesia was established in 1953.  Since that time, the Economic Report on Indonesia has been published annually to review Indonesia's economic journey and performance.

Each edition of LPI contains in-depth reviews of national economic dynamics, the outlook, risks and future challenges. LPI also records various lessons learned by policymakers in the national economic management process over the past year, including the agenda items that must be followed up to strengthen the economy moving forward.

In addition to comprehensive economic analyses, LPI also documents in perpetuity the salient moments of Indonesia's economic journey.  Therefore, LPI is complemented with granular, accurate and relevant data and statistics.  Furthermore, LPI also contains the results of Bank Indonesia’s research on various economic aspects for deeper exploration.  Consequently, LPI is a comprehensive and trusted reference concerning economic developments in Indonesia.

Mone​tary Policy Report (LKM)

The Monetary Policy Report (LKM) is published quarterly by Bank Indonesia after the monthly Board of Governors Meeting (RDG) in February, May, August and November. The Report has two primary functions, namely to provide economic data, analysis and projections to help form and anchor rational expectations as part of the anticipative monetary policymaking framework and as a medium for the Board of Governors to publicly explain and clarify the various considerations underlying monetary policy decision-making at Bank Indonesia.

Monetary Policy Review (TKM)
The Monetary Policy Review (TKM) is published monthly by Bank Indonesia after the Board of Governors Meeting in January, March, April, June, July, September, October and December. The report is a medium for the Board of Governors of Bank Indonesia to publicly and explicitly clarify the latest evaluation of monetary conditions based on an assessment of the Indonesian economy. Specifically, TKM presents an evaluation of the latest developments in terms of inflation, the exchange rate and monetary conditions during the reporting month as well as decisions concerning the monetary policy response adopted by Bank Indonesia.

Nusantara Report
The quarterly Nusantara Report presents Bank Indonesia's viewpoint concerning the latest conditions, strategic issues and domestic economic outlook from a regional perspective. The Nusantara Report is published after the Regional Economic and Financial Evaluation Meeting (REKDA) and delivered to various stakeholders, including relevant government ministries/agencies, local government, various faculties of economics, national and regional mass media, as well as national and regional libraries.

Inflation Highlight News

Inflation Highlight News is an assessment of inflation realisation compiled after BPS-Statistics Indonesia’s inflation release and published at the beginning of each month.

Regional Economic Review (KER)/Provincial Economic Report (LPP)

The Provincial Economic Report (LPP) is a periodic assessment of domestic economic and financial conditions from a regional and/or provincial prospective.

Bank Indonesia provides a subscription feature (RSS) for the Monetary Policy Report and Monetary Policy Review (name and email registration) to ensure subscribers automatically receive an email notification, also containing a link to the publication, immediately upon release.

Broad Money Developments

Broad Money Developments present granular information concerning monetary system liabilities (central bank, commercial banks and rural banks) on the domestic private sector (excluding the central government and non-residents), as well as the affecting factors. Broad Money Developments is published monthly in reference to best international practices as well as the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (2016).

Balance of payments and Indonesia international investment position

Indonesia’s Balance of Payments (BOP) contains statistics that record economic transactions between residents and non-residents during a specific period. BOP transactions consist of the Current Account, Capital Account and Financial Account.
Meanwhile, Indonesia’s International Investment Position (IIP) contain statistics regarding the value and composition of Foreign Financial Assets (FFA) and Foreign Financial Liabilities (FFL) in Indonesia for a specific period. Foreign Financial Assets represent resident foreign currency and rupiah claims on non-residents in the form of cash, deposits, trade credit, securities and capital investment. Meanwhile, Foreign Financial Liabilities include resident foreign currency and rupiah liabilities on non-residents in the form of external debt and equity from non-residents.
BOP and IIIP statistics are published on a quarterly basis in reference to the sixth edition of the IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6), 2009.

Consumer Survey
The monthly Consumer Survey collects information on consumer confidence concerning current economic conditions based on consumption level and consumer expectations of economic conditions in the upcoming six months.

Further information about The Consumer Survey are available here
Complete information and series data are available here

Business Survey
The quarterly Business Survey collects information on economic growth indicators and expectations from the supply side (business sectors).

Further information about The Business Survey are availa​ble here
Complete information and series data are available here
FAQ on Improvement Bussiness Survey are available here

Banking Survey

The quarterly Banking Survey collects early information regarding monetary policy transmission, as reflected by the lending and interest rate policies of the banking industry.

Further information about The Banking Survey are available here
Complete information and series data are available here

Residential Property Survey

The quarterly Residential Property Price Survey collects information concerning residential property developments as an indicator of asset price inflation.

Further information about The Residential Property Price Survey are available here
Complete information and series data are available here
​​​​Retail Sales Survey
The monthly Retail Sales Survey collects information on retail sales developments as an indicator of public consumption and a measure of demand-side inflationary pressures.

Further information about The Retail Sales Survey are available here
Complete information and series data are available here

Commercial Property Survey

The quarterly Commercial Property Survey contains an analysis of commercial property price developments as an indicator of asset price inflation.

Further information about The Commercial Property Analysis are available here

Complete information and series data are available here

Macroeconomic Indicators Forecasting Survey

The quarterly Macroeconomic Indicators Forecasting Survey collects early information concerning economic growth, inflation and exchange rate predictions as well as the affecting factors.

Further information about The Macroeconomics Indicators Forecasting Survey are available here

Complete information and series data are available here

Prompt Manufacturing Index

Prompt Manufacturing Index–Bank Indonesia (PMI-BI) is an indicator that provides an overview of the performance of manufacturing sector, which is useful for assessing the current economic condition as well as the expectation of the next quarter. PMI-BI composits comprises of five indices, namely new order volume (input), production volume (output), employment, supplier delivery times, and inventories.

Further information about Prompt Manufacturing Index–Bank Indonesia are availa​ble here
Complete information and series data are available here ​

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