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The official Bank Indonesia Website ( functions as a medium to disseminate all regulatory and legislative materials from Bank Indonesia, including Bank Indonesia Regulations (PBI) and Board of Governors Regulations (PADG), previously known as Circular Letters (SE), as PBI implementation rules and guidelines, which are complemented with a Regulatory Summary, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and User Surveys (for website visitors).

In addition to regulatory documents, the Bank Indonesia Website also provides various supporting information as follows:
  • Regulatory Status, namely whether the regulations are still effective or have been amended;
  • Search feature that allows users to search a library of regulations based on type, year, status and sector (Monetary and Financial Market; Payment System and Rupiah Currency Management; Macroprudential and MSMEs); and
  • Professional English translations of the regulations.
Persons wishing to participate in the policymaking and formulation process, by providing inputs to a draft regulation or planned legislation, can submit their recommendations directly through the survey feature available on the Bank Indonesia website or by contacting the Bank Indonesia contact centre (BICARA) on 131 or by email at​

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