Currency Image

Start;Home;Rupiah;default.aspx;Bukan Sifibi;Detail-Uang.aspx;Currency Image

Ultra Violet

Obverse Side Rupiah

Reverse Side Rupiah

History Rp 10.000,00

Rp 10.000,00​

Frans Kaisiepo, a National Hero

Obverse Side​

Frans Kaisiepo was one of the figures who popularized the word “IRIAN” which stands for “Join the Republic of Indonesia Anti Netherlands”. Before Irian set, the area was known as Papua.

Reverse Side

Pakarena Dance from South Sulawesi is believed as guidance from the angels in heaven for all mankind. Wakatobi National Marine Park in Southeast Sulawesi is known as the “under water paradise” for its beauty and biodiversity.
Cempaka Forest flower is an iconic flower of West Sulawesi and its tree can grow up to 45 meters.
Banknotes of Bank Indonesia

Series / Emission Year

The National H​eros Series / Year 2016

Issuing Date​
December 19, 2016
Mr. Perry Warjiyo​, 
Ms. Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, a National Hero

Cotton Fibers
145 x 65 mm

Dominant Colors
​- Obverse SidePurple

​- Reverse SidePurple

Main Design

​- Obverse Side
Frans Kaisiepo, a National Hero
​- Reverse Side

Pakarena Dancer, Natural Scenery of Wakatobi National Park, Cempaka Forest Flower​

Safety Element - Viewed

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Safety Element - Touched

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Safety Element - Telescoped

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DITERAWANG 10Ribu-7.gif

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