12 June 2007
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs on June 12, 2007 announced the Instruction of President (Inpres) Number 6 of 2007 concerning the Policies to Accelerate Development of The Real Sector and Empower of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME). The Inpres mandates the Coordinating Minister for Economics, 19 other ministers, 3 Head of Non –Departmental Government Institution (LPND) as well as all governors, regents, mayors to conduct the Policies on Acceleration of Real Sector Development and Empower of MSMES. The issuance of this Inpress will increase the transparency of Government work plan in accelerating economic growth to alleviate unemployment and poverty. Hence, all policies as attached in the Inpres detail the program, action, output with a clear measured target, along with time for accomplishment and the Minister / Head of LPND responsible for the implementation.
The Inpres covers 4 components : 1) Investment Climate Improvement, 2) Financial Sector Reform, 3) Acceleration of Infrastructure Development, and 4) Empowerment of MSMES. The first three policies above are the continuation of similar policies that have been conducted since last year, while the package for MSMES Empowerment serves as an expansion of several programs that were accommodated in the Investment Climate Improvement Policy.
For more complete information please find attached the official press release from Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs