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Investor Relation Unit, Directorate of International Affairs
5/22/2007 10:10 AM
Hits: 9725

Economic Growth in Indonesia, Q1-2007


Investor Relations Unit (IRU)-Indonesia News 22 May 2007

  • Indonesia’s economic growh in Q1/2007, measured by GDP expansion over Q4-2006, reached 2.0% (q to q). Growth was recorded in agriculture, electricity, gas and water utilities, the trade, hotels and restaurants sector, finance , real estate and business services and in the services sector. Leading in growth was agriculture at 16.8%, due to the effect of the harvesting season in Q1/2007. 
  • GDP growth in Q1/2007 compared to the same quarter in 2006 (y-o-y) came to 6.0 percent · The Indonesian economy measured by GDP based on current prices in Q1/2007 expanded to Rp. 915.9 trillion, while GDP based on constant 2000 prices was Rp. 475.0 trillion. 
  • Household consumption in Q1/2007 fell by minus 0.5 percent in real terms from Q4/2006. Similarly, government consumption was down by minus 31.1 percent, gross fixed capital formation by minus 2.5 percent, export of goods and services by minus 0.1 percent and imported components of goods and services by minus 1.4 percent. 
  • All expenditure components were up during Q1/2007 in comparison to the same quarter in 2006 (y-o-y) as follows : household consumption expenditures mounted by 4.5 percent, government consumption expenditures by 4.3%, gross fixed capital formation by 7.5%, exports of goods and services by 8.9% and import of goods and services by 8.4 percent.
  • The island of Java was the largest contributor to Indonesia’s GDP formation in Q1/2007 at 60.2 percent. GDP in Java was dominated in order of importance by manufacturing, the trade, hotels and restaurants sector and agriculture.

Please find attached unofficial translation of The Press Release for complete information. Regards, IRU Team

IRU, Ph. : (6221) 3818313, (6221) 3818298, Fax : (6221) 3501950
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