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Investor Relation Unit, Directorate of International Affairs
8/29/2006 9:16 AM
Hits: 6043

BOP Performance Q1 2006 and Outlook 2006 


Current Account Balance in the first quarter of 2006 showed a surplus of US$ 3.4 billion. Increasing surplus is supported by :

a)     Rising trade balance surplus of non oil and gas, in line with increasing growth of oil and gas export. At the same time, non oil and gas import experienced a negative growth due to weakening domestic economy during this quarter.

b)     Rising trade balance surplus of oil and gas particularly coming from gas surplus. Meanwhile trade balance of oil still recorded a deficit although with declining trend. The decline is related to government policy to adjust domestic fuel price October last year, which brought down fuel consumption as well as oil import.

IRU, Ph. : (6221) 3818313, (6221) 3818298, Fax : (6221) 3501950
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