About BI Institute​

​ Changes in the domestic and global economic environment demanded a more proactive central bank in pursuit of national development goals.  To that end, the policy strategy and institutional arrangements were strengthened with the support of a centre of advancement for research, education and leadership development. 

The development of quality human resources to lead the national economy is the best response to the challenges.  HR management is required to create professional and competitive human resources with economic insight and strong leadership skills to overcome future challenges.
Therefore, the Bank Indonesia Board of Governors launched five themes of Bank Indonesia transformation, including a Motivated Organisation, of which one agenda item was to establish the Bank Indonesia Institute as a prerequisite to achieving Bank Indonesia's vision of becoming a credible central bank and the best in the region.

​​BI Institute Honorary Board 2022​

Honorary Board Meeting 2022​​

Vision and Mision


Becoming a prominent world-class learning, study and research institution that strategically contributes to fostering quality, prosperous and impartial human resources with integrity.


Providing an atmosphere conducive to learning, study and research through the creation of competent human resources in the economic and financial sectors using the best faculty management and mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with the support of excellent infrastructure.



Roadmap Bank Indonesia Institute​




4 Main Pilar Of BI Institute​



Quality and inclusive learning, particularly in terms of central banking, monetary-market economics, financial system stability, the payment system and rupiah currency management, as well as managerial leadership for internal and external stakeholders in pursuit of Bank Indonesia's vision and missio​n.


The research pillar supports research on the latest issues and strategic foresight in terms of the macroeconomic-monetary sector, financial system stability, financial markets, payment system and managerial leadership in order to strengthen the learning program and curriculum.  The BI Institute also conducts research underlying BI and national policymaking.

The BI Institute builds partnerships with prominent domestic and international institutions to support quality learning and research programs, while increasing the global exposure of human resources at Bank Indonesia and in Indonesia​.


Various strategic measures are used to involve the public through exposure to BI Institute activities by providing information on the official website, broad dissemination of publications as well as organising inclusive programs for the public​.​




Strategic Partnership

Public Exposure​​​

Organization Structure


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