No. 26/24/DKom
The position of reserve assets in Indonesia remained high at the end of January 2024, totalling USD145,1 billion, despite retreating from USD146,4 billion at the end of December 2023. The decrease stemmed, amongst others, from the maturing government's external debt repayments. The position of reserve assets is equivalent to 6.6 months of imports or 6.4 months of imports and servicing government's external debt, which is well above the international adequacy standard of around three months of imports. Bank Indonesia considers that the current level of reserve assets is able to support external sector resilience as well as maintain macroeconomic and financial system stability.
Moving forward, Bank Indonesia views that reserve assets will remain ample, supported by stability and a maintained economic outlook, in line with the synergy of policy mix responses between Bank Indonesia and the Government to preserve macroeconomic and financial system stability to bolster sustainable economic growth.
Jakarta, 7th February 2024
Communication Department
Erwin Haryono
Governor Assistant