More than USD 177 million in ADB assistance for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Aceh and Nias in Indonesia following the tsunami has passed through the approvals process of BRR, the Government agency responsible for overall coordination, according to an ADB report.
These funds are supporting recovery efforts in agriculture, fisheries, micro and small enterprises, irrigation, housing, and community and rural water supply.
In the wake of the December 2004 earthquake and tsunami disaster, ADB approved a comprehensive support package for rehabilitation and reconstruction of Aceh and North Sumatra (including Nias island).
The package includes a USD 290 million grant for an Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) and a contribution of USD10 million to the Multi-Donor Trust Fund, both financed from ADB's Asian Tsunami Fund. ADB also approved USD30 million in cofinanced grants and has earmarked reprogrammed loan savings of up to USD65 million.
All subprojects are being designed in close coordination with BRR and relevant ministries, the report says, with preparations for construction in some sectors - particularly irrigation and housing - well advanced. All project activities are being undertaken according to safeguards set by BRR and ADB with regard to issues such as resettlement, environment, and land acquisition.
The Government and ADB share a strong commitment to effective management and governance of funds, and adherence to social and environmental safeguards.
To date, donors and the Government have committed more than USD8.8 billion to the tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction effort and BRR has approved USD4.4 billion of this for more than 650 projects. As of November last year, about USD775 million or 17% of the approved amount, had been disbursed.
ADB disbursed USD33.4 million under ETESP as of the end of January for project preparation activities and is anticipating disbursements of about USD80 million during 2006.
Day-to-day coordination and monitoring of ADB's project is the responsibility of its Extended Mission in Sumatra, with ADB's mission in Jakarta the focal point for government and donor coordination.
Read the full report.
Source : ADB